Sou um tatuador com mais de 20 anos de experiência, referência internacional e especialista em tatuagem realismo, neo trad, arte nouveau e black work.


Mais de 20 anos

Desde 1999



Desde 2010

person in gray long sleeve shirt holding black and silver hand tool
person in gray long sleeve shirt holding black and silver hand tool
man in white shirt sitting on chair beside woman in white shirt
man in white shirt sitting on chair beside woman in white shirt
man doing tattoo on person's arm
man doing tattoo on person's arm


woman in blue denim shorts sitting on gray textile
woman in blue denim shorts sitting on gray textile
Trabalhos recentes

Confira alguns dos meus trabalhos mais recentes e veja a qualidade do meu trabalho.


Especializado em tatuagens realistas, crio obras de arte que parecem saltar da pele.

woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
person holding a pen and a paper with a tattoo
person holding a pen and a paper with a tattoo
Neo Trad

Neo traditional style is my specialty, adding a modern touch to traditional tattoos

My Art Nouveau tattoos are inspired by the artistic style of the late 19th and early 20th century

Black Work